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About Us.

Novera Engineering Technologies Enterprise was born out of the vision to revolutionise the way engineering solutions are approached. We rely on well established principles and engineering standards but we are bold to challenge conservative ways of working if we believe that they do not add value to the process. 

Our beliefs, values and passion for engineering drives us to seek excellence. We are inspired by the endless opportunities the New Era brings and how to best leverage them to solve problems. 

We seek to work with like-minded clients to make a positive impact on the communities we live in and together build a better tomorrow. 


Our Core Values.

Our core values shape the culture and character of our company. They are embedded within our work, lay the foundation of how we act and make a difference.

We understand that the world is constantly changing and modern-day problems require innovative solutions. At Novera ETE we are continuously reimagining the way we approach challenges by bringing revolutionary thinking and cutting-edge technologies.


We are firm believers in preserving the future through intelligent utilisation of resources. This is why sustainability is at the core of every design solution we deliver. We are committed to working together to build a better community for future generations. 


We bring together expertise and the agility of a young company to solve problems in the most efficient manner. We seek to help our clients unlock opportunities to save time and resources, without compromising on quality, when engaging in new ventures.


Engineer The New Era With Us.

Drive Innovation, Sustainability and Efficiency with us and discover the opportunities Novera ETE can bring to your business.


Company Number: 12741664

© 2022 by Novera Engineering Technologies Enterpise Limited.


Phone: 023 8033 8488 


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19 Archers Road, Banister Gate, 

Southampton SO15 2NR

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